
Large Format Printing Is the Key to Marketing Campaign Success

Outdoor advertising, or billboards, are a common large format printing project for many businesses.

Probably because, the chances you'll remember what’s on the billboard are increased significantly after viewing it.

A few years ago, a small town had unsold billboard space and put up pictures of the current Miss America and her name. Surveys were conducted a month before the billboards went up, and a month after. Before the billboards 1.5% of people surveyed knew the current Miss America’s name, and after it jumped to 12%.

Large format printing is a great way to increase brand awareness and build your image. The current rage in outdoor advertising is the use of vinyl on billboards. Vinyl has been such a popular choice because the texture allows for more vibrant color, clearer graphics, and increased durability.

As far as the concept of design goes, it's best to keep it short and clever with strong images. Keeping your design brief yet eye-catching the key for a lasting impression with your target audience. A good rule of thumb to follow, started by the National Business Association is never use more than 8 words and one picture. Most viewers are zooming by, and they don’t have time to sit and read long amounts of text, no matter how engaging it may be.


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